Discover Sailing


Sun 22 Oct 2023 12:00 — 16:30
Australian Sailing - Discover Sailing Day

Course information

This course has passed.


We will start the event with a sausage sizzle and introduction. Even though the event is free, please let us know if you are coming for catering purposes. Phone or message Mike Hillenaar 0466 723 293 or email

Come and try sailing. Our land based "Blokarts" will give you a feel of what it is like to be propelled by the wind. With some very basic instructions you will be off in no time.  Skills learned, are transferrable to "on-water" sailing.

A Discover Sailing Day will give you the opportunity to go for a sail and have a look around your local Sailing Club.


  • Water confident

Who should discover sailing?

A Discover Sailing Day is for anyone wanting to visit a sailing club and discover sailing for the first time.


You will have experienced sailing and have been introduced to your local Sailing Club, who will have provided you with information on what other opportunities, courses and activities are on offer that will enable you to continue your participation in sailing.


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